Basic Entity Formation (UT, ID)
- Articles
- Filing fee
- Client is registered agent
- Employer Identification Number (EIN)
- Corporate kit with templates
- No annual maintenance
- Annual reminder letter
Advanced Entity Formation (UT, ID)
- Articles with public record nominee to sign the articles
- Filing fee
- Registered agent
- Employer Identification Number (EIN)
- Corporate kit
- Resolutions tracing authority to client
- Operating agreement / stock resolution
- Initial minutes
- ($890/yr renewal to keep registered agent and company in good standing)
WY Entity Formation & Privacy Package
- Articles with public record nominee to sign the articles
- Filing fee
- Registered agent
- Employer Identification Number (EIN)
- Corporate kit
- Corporate resolutions
- Operating agreement / stock resolution
- Initial minutes
- Business address
- Monthly mail forwarding
- ($1155/yr renewal to keep registered agent, address, company in good standing)